2023 Workshops
Conscious Parenting Connect Group
THURSDAY, April 27, 2023 AT 5PM – 6 :30PM
We are exploring a new schedule and timeframe to amplify our ability to connect as parents, both dads and moms alike.
There will be time set aside for dads and moms to connect separately in small groups about this month's topic.
Cass will guide the Moms Small Group and her husband Johnny will guide the Dads Small Group.
In addition we are starting at 5pm instead of starting at 4:30pm to help with people's work schedules. Small groups will start at 5:30pm.
NEW Schedule:
5:00-5:30 Mingle + Play
5:30-5:50 Dads Connect in Small Group
5:50-6:00 Reconnect in Play Area
6:00-6:20 Moms Connect in Small Group
6:20-6:30 Announcements & Goodbyes
Please remember, ALL parents are welcome to attend, those in the pre-conception phase, currently expecting, and those with children of all ages. It's never too soon or too late to share, to learn and to inspire each other on our parenting journeys.
This Month's Topic:
When conflicts arise between parent and child it is easy to want to force a resolution in a direction we deem favorable or necessary, but what if we felt into the conflict at hand instead?
What if we fine-tuned our ability to respond to conflict compassionately with an open heart and mind?
Whether that looks like a series of communications and preparations to set your child up for successfully leaving the house or sitting in a storm of emotions with your child and holding their hand as they walk out of it, the answer is connection.
No one wins with force. But when we feel, everyone wins. Growth occurs on both sides of the relationship.
Join us for an open-hearted discussion about feeling rather than forcing and acquire new tools to support you in diffusing conflict with connection.
None of us our perfect parents, I know I’m not, but what we can be is conscious parents. So let’s gather and grow together on our journeys as parents.
Conscious Parenting Connect Group
THURSDAY, March 23, 2023 AT 5PM – 6 :30PM
Calling all conscious parents! Let’s gather on the 4th Thursday of each month to grow, share, discuss, and explore topics and experiences that will inspire and activate us.
If you feel the call to navigate the gift of parenting with other conscientious parents please join us.
This March we will loosen up and enjoy a fun Family Yoga experience guided by Cass! Come prepared to play and bring your kids of all ages and even their Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles! All are welcome!
Bring your own yoga mats and dress comfortably!
Fully Alive Family Chiropractic is on a mission to help create a community of healthy families living connected and fully alive! We need one another to do this.
Monthly Conscious Parenting Connect Groups are led by Cass, an active community member at Fully Alive, with this intention in mind.
You do not need to be a patient at Fully Alive to be a part of our Conscious Parenting Connect Group gatherings.
The Little Things Play Cafe is giving us a special price at $5/child. Infants and parents are FREE!
Our location was mindfully selected so our kids can play while we connect.
Tentative schedule:
4:30-5:00 Open Play
5:00-6:00 Group Discussion or Activity
We look forward to seeing you there!